Monday, November 22, 2010

P90X ~ Week 5 ~ YES, I'm Still Doing This!

One of the most surprising things about the P90X program is how many people doubt others' ability or resolve to stick to it.

Most everyone I talk to, besides those that know me well enough to know better and those that follow me closely on Facebook or DailyMile want to know if  "I'm still doing P90X".

I have talked to several folks that have started but did not finish.  Most find a way to stop somewhere around week two or three.  I'm not sure I understand why.

I didn't jump into this without first doing the research.  I knew exactly what kind of commitment was required, both physical and mental.  Not to mention the time; it takes a lot of time!

So, how's it going?  I'm not sure I can see much of a physical change.  I have not developed any "guns" and a "six pack" still long ways away, but this was and is not my goal. I cannot afford to put on muscle mass, for if I did, I would have to carry that with me when swimming, cycling and running.

I feel stronger, leaner, tighter.  I can do more push ups, pull ups and more reps with heavier weights.  But the biggest, most noticeable change is that I can run longer, smoother and more efficient.  This I have enjoyed!

I am having some trouble with my diet.  I have never been one to count calories, much less protein or carb grams, but I understand how important this is, so I have recruited the help of my brother to come up with easy to fix, well balanced meals.  If you have any suggestions please send them my way.  Keep in mind that I cannot eat shell fish...

1 comment:

  1. I think most people can't believe that you get this far because they don't believe they themselves can get that far :) Its awe, not doubt :)

    Good going!
