Tuesday, November 2, 2010

P90X ~ Week 2

It has been said that it takes two weeks to create a habit.  If that's the case then a new habit I have created, or at least I hope I have.

Last week I touched on the fact that I'm not an early riser.  This week I'm here to inform you that I am well on my way to conquering this for each day this week it got easier than the day before.

I had planned to do week two just as I had done week one and following the plan outlined in the P90X schedule.  However, after receiving instructions for my swim, bike and run workouts from my coach, I knew that something would have to change.

I researched on the Internet how others in my situation were handling this.  It is important for a triathlete to keep his base during the off season, so getting in the water, on the bike and hitting the pavement for a run or two is something that must be done.  I came across an article that talked about the "P90X Hybrid" program/schedule for triathletes.

In a nutshell, it incorporates basic tri training with P90X, replacing cardio workouts with swim, rides and runs.

This is what what my week looked like:

Mon:  Chest and Back & Ab Ripper X (am)
           Spin (pm)
Tue:  Plyometrics (am)
         Swim (pm)
Wed:  Shoulders and Arms (am)
          Ab Ripper X (pm)
Thu:  X Stretch (am)
         Spin (pm)
Fri:  Legs and Back (am)
Sat:  Run ~ 7 miles
Sun:  Rest

The strength portion on the workouts seems to be improving everyday.  It feels a lot easier to do more reps, so much so that for a couple of sets I had to increase the weight used.

The pull up is where I've seen the most progress.  On Friday during the Legs and Back workout, there are four different pull up routines, two sets each.  From last week's workout to this week's there was an improvement of two to four extra pull ups.

I was a bit timid about the run on Saturday for I was not sure how the knees and legs would feel after two full weeks of P90X.  Much to my surprise and delight they felt great and as it turns out, it was one of the most enjoyable runs I've had in a while.  It just felt good.

This coming week is another week of identical sessions.  I am looking forward to more improvements.

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