Training for this race has been different to say the least. Different in that it hasn't compared to last year's regime for the Ironman. Nonetheless, I followed my coach's instructions (for the most part) and put in the required numbers of yards and miles... for the most part.
For the most part, I say, because there's only so much you can do with a damaged plantar fascia. It requires a lot of rest and while resting, obviously you can't run.
Right about this time, I always begin to question my training. No matter how much I've done, no matter how little I've done, no matter the event, no matter the race. It has become a "tradition" with me, if you will, to always question my readiness. If everything falls into place, I should be able to put this behind me in a day or two. Luckily this time around, I've had a couple of tremendous training sessions in the past few days, so this has helped.
One big difference is that up until the Ironman, the swim always made me loose sleep. I would put in the laps, the yards, the time, but I would still loose sleep over it.
After spending 1:51:54 in the Ohio River last August, I came out of the water with a whole new perspective. I do believe I left all my fears in that river. Don't get me wrong, I still respect the swim, but it's not dominating my every thought. For this, I am grateful.
Yesterday I had one of my best bike rides ever. I managed to average speeds above 17 mph with a good amount of elevation. I've never been able to do this. Winter gym work and off season trainer sessions are to thank for this. Now, I wait and see how this translates to the race course. But confident is what I am.
This week will be an easy, relaxing, tapering week. I will do the required short and easy workouts. I will travel to Florida on Thursday with the family and upon arrival to the race site on Friday, I will begin to put my race face on.
So what's in store for me on Sunday? No one knows. What I do know is that, as in the past, I will not worry about things I have no control over. I will concentrate on the task at hand. I will race my race. I will do my best, because "If It Is To Be, It's Up To Me"