A collection of my favorite personal thoughts...

"There are two truths that cannot be disputed: The future can always be better and brighter than the present, and you have the power to make it so." 

"To grow you must move beyond what you have already mastered"

"You know you want it bad enough when you're willing to risk it all"  

"When Regrets Take Over Your Dreams, That's When You Grow Old"

"Limits are only Simple Illusions"

"Don't look for Motivation from others, be the Motivations others are looking for."

"You Can't" said Fear.
"Watch Me" said Faith.

 "Believe.  Visualize.  Succeed."

"First there's gotta be a dream. Then you gotta have a plan. Then this becomes your goal." "Success rests in having the courage, the endurance and the will to follow through."

"Once I begin to hurt, I begin to grow."

"One must never be satisfied with what one can do for one can do more than what one is satisfied with."

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