It is no surprise that the post that gathered the most traffic was the one entitled "About Becoming An Ironman". It accumulated over 2,000 hits in just 48 hours. It was the most shared via twitter and liked on facebook of all posts.
This post takes the reader through my day at the 2011 Louisville Ironman. If you didn't get a chance to read it, you can do so here.
The second most popular post and one that I feel strongly about is the post entitled "About Being Fit vs. Being Healthy". I cannot measure its popularity in terms of "hits" because even though it was posted on September 29th, I still get comments via twitter and emails about it. Apparently this post made a few people think about their fitness and health.
A couple of other favorite posts of mine deal with the issue of the "Ironman Tattoo". I brought the subject up in a post titled "About The Tattoo", in which I used the subject to make a point as to how people really don't understand why we do what we do.
After the Louisville Ironman, the subject resurfaced again after I had mine done. This post can be found under "About Ironman Pride".

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