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About Registration: We arrived on Thursday afternoon and proceeded to get registered and pick up all information regarding the events of the next three days. This, as usual, with all Ironman sanctioned races was very smooth and extremely well organized. The flow through the various stations was flawless so in no time I was tagged and ready to go.
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No. 2765 |
About The Expo: Let's just say I have made a very healthy contribution to the WTC bottom line!
About The Athlete Banquet: Very inspirational and motivational. It was great to mingle with hundreds of your fellow Ironman participants.
About Saturday's Practice Swim, Bike and Run: My number one reason for taking a practice swim today was to get the feel for the river; to know what I could expect in the morning.
I was pleasantly surprised when I quickly realized that the water was not any dirtier that that in which we swim here at home. I had heard horror stories. I started swimming up stream and made it to a couple of buoys and had to force myself to return. The swim was feeling great. Goal for today was just to swim 15-20 minutes. The return seemed faster. There was obviously a current.
After the swim, we biked for 20 minutes and ran for another 15.
About Bike And Gear Check In: Made it to transition somewhere around 2:00 pm. At this point the crowd had not gathered so I walked right in. Again, I was totally blown away when a young lady came up to me and took my gear bags and proceed to walk me through transition. Showing me step by step everything I needed to know. Bags were in place. Bike was racked!
Now all I had to do was relax and enjoy the rest of the day.
About The Athlete Banquet: Very inspirational and motivational. It was great to mingle with hundreds of your fellow Ironman participants.
About Saturday's Practice Swim, Bike and Run: My number one reason for taking a practice swim today was to get the feel for the river; to know what I could expect in the morning.
I was pleasantly surprised when I quickly realized that the water was not any dirtier that that in which we swim here at home. I had heard horror stories. I started swimming up stream and made it to a couple of buoys and had to force myself to return. The swim was feeling great. Goal for today was just to swim 15-20 minutes. The return seemed faster. There was obviously a current.
After the swim, we biked for 20 minutes and ran for another 15.
About Bike And Gear Check In: Made it to transition somewhere around 2:00 pm. At this point the crowd had not gathered so I walked right in. Again, I was totally blown away when a young lady came up to me and took my gear bags and proceed to walk me through transition. Showing me step by step everything I needed to know. Bags were in place. Bike was racked!
Now all I had to do was relax and enjoy the rest of the day.
About Race Day
Needless to say I did not sleep long. I woke up around midnight and the rest of the night was just filled with anticipation. Alarm went off at 4am, but I was already up and about.
Quick breakfast and it was off to the races. Time of day 4:45AM.
Arrived at transition a bit after 5AM. Took my special needs bags to the trucks, filled the bike tires with proper air pressure and it was off to swim start.
About The Swim: I had been very concerned about the time waiting in line to get in the water. Due to the time trial format of the swim start at Louisville, it is a first come, first serve basis, so getting in line early was very important. I projected I was in line by 6AM. Had an hour to wait, but it was not as bad as I had anticipated. I think the fact that my friends Skip and Bill were there along with me made the time go by faster. Cannot forget my wife Monica and Skip's wife Charlene... they were there helping us calm our nerves.
Then the cannon went off. The pros were on their way. It was almost time to rock and roll. In no time we could hear the National Anthem being sung and suddenly the second cannon went off... It would be just a matter of minutes now.
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Don't let the smiles fool you! |
The line started moving quickly. No time to think any longer. The training of the past 11 months was about to pay off.
Concentration or Nerves... or both! |
As we approached the ramp towards the boat docks, I saw my two daughters and their friend Lindsay. What a sight! This was huge. The moment got bigger as we walked down the first ramp to the hooting and hollering of a massive number of friends, including coach Barry Baird, who had made the trip all the way from Nashville to support us. Too many to mention... you know who you are, I owe you BIG! High fives everywhere... What a send off!
And just like that... it was 7:17 and I was in the water.
How's that for form? |
The first couple of hundred yards I spent getting rid of the nerves. I was breathing heavy. I knew I had to control this. Which, thank goodness I did. The rest of the way it was smooth sailing....err, swimming. Before making the U-Turn to head downriver, I hit a sandbar with my feet. Scared the living daylights out of me. I saw several people standing and walking. I quickly moved away so as to not be tempted to do the same.
Somewhere, about three quarters of the way down, my left calf cramped, and it cramped big. It was sharp, intense pain. I kept my cool. Knew I had to. The cramping went away while I continue to swim, but the calf was left in tremendous pain. This pain I had to manage all day long. Mind 1, Matter 0.
My estimated time on the swim had been two hours. As I came out of the water I remember checking my watch and noticing that it was under that. I was extremely happy. Official swim time: 1:51:54. Yeah!
About T1: It took over 12 minutes to get myself fully changed and ready for the bike.
About The Bike: As I left transition, the adrenaline was flowing and it was flowing big. This was amplified again, by the sight and sounds of my family and friends yelling and screaming my name.
"I'll see you in 112 miles" |
Somewhere around mile 5 my stomach started cramping real bad. Not sure why, didn't matter. Had to get it under control so I concentrated on the job at hand. This lasted for about 17 miles and then it just went away. Mind 2, Matter 0
The majority of my bike was just as I had hoped, just as I had planned, just as I had trained. The temperature was extremely comfortable, for the most part. The wind, however, was another story. On the second loop around LaGrange is picked up big time. Again, fought through it and made it happen. Mind 3, Matter 0.
The majority of my bike was just as I had hoped, just as I had planned, just as I had trained. The temperature was extremely comfortable, for the most part. The wind, however, was another story. On the second loop around LaGrange is picked up big time. Again, fought through it and made it happen. Mind 3, Matter 0.
Having The Time Of My Life! |
I found it very difficult to eat solids during the bike. Due to the cramping issues, I did not want to take any chances. I relied mostly on my CarboPro mix and my wife's boiled red skin potato which I had in the Bike Special Needs bag. This hit the spot.
As I entered the 10 mile stretch down River Rd., I began passing several triathletes that were, in my estimation having a hard time getting to the end. I knew that I could play a small role in in their success by throwing positive vibes their way. I kept reminding them that we were almost home. Just a few short miles to go. I remember telling this one girl that it was just 5 more miles and then we had a date with a marathon. She busted out laughing. As did I. She yelled so I could hear: "thank you!" That kept my spirits up!
Oh yeah, the badly cramped left calf? It was sore, really sore. I kept stretching it while on the bike every chance I got. My next concern was how it would feel on the run. I would soon find out.
I arrived at the bike-in to the sights and sounds, again of a crowd fit for a celebrity. What support, what a feeling, what a time.
I had hoped on 7 hours on the bike. I was close. Official bike time was 7:34:08.
About T2: Once again it took me a bit over 12 minutes. Full change of clothes again.
About The Run:
WOW... family support is priceless! |
I'll see you at the finish line |
Almost from the onset, they began to hurt. I have been battling this for a couple of months, but never allowing this pain to dictate my training or how I would race. I would battle through this, no matter what. Mind 4 - Matter 0.
The run course is flat. Really flat. This helped keep a steady pace. I had trained the past few months running for 4 minutes, walking for 1 minute. This worked out perfectly through the majority of the water stops. On the ones that it didn't I adjusted. This plan I believe helped keep my pace the way I wanted it.
For nutrition I relied on pretzels, some fruit, cola, chicken broth, water and two strategically spaced Stinger Waffles. This proved to be sufficient.
I had hoped for a sub 12 minute mile average pace. Somewhere around mile 15 I did some quick math and realized that if I pushed myself some, this goal could be reached. Quickly I gave that idea up. I knew that this could possibly ruin the rest of my run. So I stuck with the plan. Glad I did.
The tail end of the run was dark and somewhat lonely. Again I found myself throwing positive messages to those I passed, but this time I think it was more for my benefit that for that of others. I remember telling one girl that all we had left was a 5k and that "we do this in our sleep". This was possibly the message that helped me through to the finish.
As I came closer to the finish line, I tried to create a lot of space between the triathletes in front of me and those behind me. At the very last turn, I stopped and waited for the two in front to get way ahead, while keeping an eye on the ones behind me. I wanted this moment to be "my moment". I wanted to enter the runway alone, by myself, with no one to share the spotlight with. This worked out great.
The last 25 yards or so I spend high five-ing everyone what would high five me back. Everyone did. From one side to the other. I could hear my family and all my friends yelling, screaming and pushing me through the finish line.
And then I heard it. Those words that made the whole journey worth it: "Mauricio Sanchez, YOU are an IRONMAN." I am told that at this point I was jumping up and down, sideways and all around.
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Mauricio Sanchez, YOU are an IRONMAN! |
In my wildest dreams I had visions of a 15 hour finish time. I would have been extremely happy with a 16 hour finish and ecstatic if I just beat the clock. My total, official time was 15:32:16. Needless to say... I will take it.
Would I do anything different if I had known how close I really was to that goal of 15 hours? No. I wouldn't have. I ran my race I ran my plan. I did what I knew I had to do to achieve the ultimate goal, one that is not measured in the ticks of the clock, but the one that is measured in the ticks of the heart. Yes, on Sunday, August 28, 2011... I became An Ironman!
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"Earned... NOT Given" |