Embarking into a new adventure this time of year is a challenge all of its own. The demands presented by the job and the mandatory family commitments are unlike any other time, any other month, and yet I have chosen to and dedicated some time to start and fully complete an extreme conditioning program.
Last week was week 7 of P90X and like each week before it, it was intense and rewarding. I continue to be pleased with the results I am seeing.
If you were to look around the P90X website, you would see before and after pictures of individuals that have made an incredible physical transformation, developing washboard-like abs and a beachbody physique. Well, don't expect to see my picture there.
I would like to believe, however, that this incredible effort will pay off dividends on the pool, the bike and the run. And if preliminary results are an indication, I am well on my way.
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