Monday, December 1, 2008

Memphis... Here I Come!

In just four days and a few hours I will be in Memphis running in the St Judes Memphis Half Marathon. From the reports on their website, the race has been sold out, which means that some 8,000 runners will be taking it to the streets on Memphis on Saturday at 8 o'clock in the morning.
My training journey for this event has been uneventful. My long run was two Saturdays ago. On Thanksgiving Day I ran the Indian Lake Loop 5 mile run in my hometown of Hendersonville, TN, and the morning after I did another run with a group of friends. In between, before and after all these, I followed a training plan as I have done in the past. On Saturday I hit the pool for an easy 1700 meter swim and yesterday afternoon it was the gym for a round of light weights.
Later this afternoon I plan on an easy 4-5 mile run, tomorrow a spin class, on Wednesday some 2-3 miles and on Thursday and Friday I will rest. A routine similar to this I have followed on my previous events and has worked beautifully.
My goal for Saturday is to have a good race. To do my best and to run safe. However, I wish to have a time of 1hr50m but I will be happy with anything under 2hrs.
Although I feel a bit sluggish, I feel that my energy level is high. My back pain, on a scale of 0-10 is around the 6 - 7 level. It tends to get this high specially right before an event. Could be the build up from all the training. My ankles feel good and my knees are pain free! Knock on wood! After this race, there will be time to rest, but for now...Memphis, Here I Come!

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