Wednesday, January 26, 2011

And Now I Run For A Cause

We all exercise to be healthy.  That's why we start anyway.  Along the way, other things come into the picture, sometimes is a challenge, a dare, a goal, a mission, a cause!

I have used all of the above mentioned reasons to continue to exercise, but a "cause" that I deeply cared about I had not found.

That is until now.

Soles4Souls hit a nerve and after some research and thought, I decided to join their cause.

Here's what Jessica Crate, Soles4Souls Active Director has to say:

"My name is Jessica Crate, and I am excited to be representing the ACTIVE division of Soles4Souls.  I am dedicated to using my talents to engage people with the mission of my favorite charity:  Soles4Souls, has stepped up to lead the Soles in Motion ACTIVE Team.

Running and being active motivates me to stay healthy, be more social, set goals, and encourage those around me.  However, my athletic ability would not be possible without the right pair of shoes.  I go through several pairs of shoes a year, but what happens to those shoes when I'm done?  Let's keep "paying it forward" by extending the life of the shoe to another child or person in need.

My dream, goal and vision is to use my running ability to raise funds and awareness so that a pair of shoes is not wasted, but donated or recycled and given to people in need so that we can share the incredible experience of what being ACTIVE can do for you.  I am personally committed to running every race I enter this year to engage athletes to donate shoes at each event, help events and athletes GO GREEN by becoming more eco-friendly, and raising funds with every mile for Soles4Souls ACTIVE.  I will be present at local, major and nationwide 2011 events and am running to raise $1 with every pair of shoes for each mile I run.  I am currently training to qualify for the Olympic Trials and coaching a group of Melbourne (Fl) athletes, whose goal is to contribute to Soles4Souls mission to collect 11 million pairs of shoes in 2011 and ship them all through participant and volunteer donations through the Soles4Souls fundraising program.

There are many different ways in which you can get involved and help.  I will be coming back soon with details!
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